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樂天超市Product Information
Size Name:5 Keys | Color Name:White
Technical Details

Part Number 001408
Item Weight 1.4 pounds
Product Dimensions 7 x 3.2 x 2.7 inches
Item model number 001408
樂天 Size 5 Keys
Color White
Item Package Quantity 1
日本樂天 Certification certified frustration-free
Warranty Description 1 Year Limited Warranty
Combination key safe for permanent wall-mount storage of up to 5 keys
Mounting combination lock for keys is great for after-school access for kids who lose keys; keyless entry into safe with customized combination
The key lock safe has easy-to-use push-button combination with over 1,000 personalized combos to chose from
Key lock box for outside or indoor use includes mounting hardware for easy set-up; different colors match or blend in with surface you are mounting to
Key locker ships in certified Frustration-Free Packaging
樂天購物網商城 Product Description
Size Name:5 Keys | Color Name:White
Product Description
Kidde 001408 KEY LOCK

From the Manufacturer
KeySafe Original 5-Key Permanent lockbox holds up to five keys and attaches securely to any wall or flat surface with the mounting hardware included. The StrongBox design has a solid track record for unmatched quality and security. The pushbutton lock is convenient and easy-to-use. You set the combination; it can be changed at any time, as often as you want. There are over 1,000 combinations available. Easy access for family and friends. Never be locked out again! Color - white.


心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦

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心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦開箱文,
心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦部落客,

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心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦推薦,
心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦討論,
心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦比較,


Canon鎖定旅遊背包客 G3 X具25倍光學變焦

  消費型數位相機(DC)銷量節節下滑,市場逐漸被智慧型手機占據,相機大廠「改弦易轍」採分眾化行銷。像是Canon鎖定喜愛風景、生態攝影的旅遊族,於今(7)日發表新品PowerShot G3 X長焦類單眼相機,具25倍光學變焦超望遠拍攝及防塵防水能力;Nikon P900同樣主打超高變焦效能,83倍光學變焦,連月亮的隕石坑都能看得一清二楚。

  Canon PowerShot G3 X類單眼相機,維持小尺寸733公克「輕巧機身」特色,放入1吋大小CMOS影像感測器,像素達2,020萬,鏡頭擁有25倍光學變焦功能,焦段最遠可至600mm,並具高速影像處理器,ISO最高值達12800,同時可防塵防水,主攻旅遊背包客族群,滿足拍攝遠方飛鳥或風景等需求。


  Canon表示,台灣小型數位相機銷售台數,從101年的115萬台,下滑至去(103)年的62.9萬台,市場幾乎被智慧型手機吃掉「一半」,因此朝向輕巧、專業化開拓市場。近年將以1.5吋超大感測器PowerShot G1 X Mark II、輕巧大光圈多機能PowerShot G7 X,以及PowerShot G3 X構建黃金三角產品線,讓喜愛攝影的消費者有不同選擇。G3 X建議售價26,990元,即日起上架開賣。

  Nikon在長焦相機上則有「P900」問世,同樣以旅遊攝影族為主力客群,1,610萬畫素影像感測測器,加上83倍光學變焦,相當於35mm格式中的24~2,000mm,以及166倍Dynamic Fine Zoom,雙重偵測光學減震以穩定影像,效果相當於快門速度提升約5.0級,從地表上就能拍到月球上的隕石坑,建議售價20,500元。

Canon PowerShot G3 X規格,如下表:


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心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦價格,
心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦特賣會,
心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦評比,
心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦部落客推薦,
心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦推薦,






















心得[美國代購] Kidde AccessPoint 001408 KeySafe Original Push Button Combination Permanent Key Lock Box, 5-Key, White推薦

    3C 電腦 樂天

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